Innovations Straight from the Lab

In the NEOCOSMO Lab, we offer interested companies, educational institutions as well as software and research partners the opportunity to try out the latest innovations with us, to use them in pilot applications or, if they are interested, to further develop them with us. Contact us or ask for free access to our lab products.


Networked, AI-Based Assistance for Employees in the Production Process

AI-AID stands for AI-based help (“aid”). The system aims to reduce training time for employees in complex assembly and production processes by up to 40% using a process-oriented knowledge platform and an integrated AI-based wizard. The first application and development partner for the system was AIRBUS Hamburg. Selected areas of assembly and production are equipped with sensors. The KI-based assistant ADWISAR, developed by DFKI, checks individual production steps and offers active support in critical, non-compliance-oriented situations. The NEOCOSMO platform PIIPE provides the knowledge of certain processes and offers the possibility to test knowledge before and after.

Interactive Step-by-Step Instructions for Assembly Lines

AI-AID was developed in an EIT Innovation Activity called “Just-in-Time AI-Based Problem-Solving and Training Support for the Digital Factory Floor“. The idea is to close the growing knowledge gap between high-skilled and blue-collar workers caused by the Internet of Things. The project assumes that AI-based assistance systems can bridge lack of knowledge on today’s highly complex factory floors by individualized, context-sensitive support of employees. The goal is to provide problem-solving support through step-by-step instructions, tailored to the action and long-term development of employees, by providing relevant information. PIIPE has been supplemented with step-by-step instructions and AI components. Application partner is AIRBUS Hamburg. The development and innovation partners are DFKI and Digital Catapult.

This activity was funded in 2019 by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT). This committee of the European Union is supported by the Horizon 2020 research and innovation program of the European Union.

Perspektive 4.0

Knowledge Portal and Compendium on Industry 4.0 for Education, Schools and Businesses

“Industry 4.0” is being discussed so often – only what is behind all this is probably not clear to many. The buzzword stands for the comprehensive digitization of industrial production and the working world, affecting both business and industry, as well as service industries and administrations.

Embedded in the model project Land(auf)Schwung (German for “land upswing”) of the region in and around Neunkirchen in Saarland, we developed together with DFKI the online knowledge platform Perspektive 4.0 – Digitale Kompetenzen für Arbeiten und Industrie 4.0 im Landkreis Neunkirchen (German for “perspective 4.0 – digital competences for work and industry 4.0 in the region in and around Neunkirchen”. By using the free platform, users can acquire digital skills that enable them to apply modern technologies in their (future) professional field. The target group are apprentices and young workers, as well as pupils, 17 years old and older.

Perspektive 4.0 is an example of how online courses and compendiums can be elegantly combined. The platform will continue to operate free of charge from NEOCOSMO. Teachers can use it in lessons for certain topics and – if desired – can enter additional content. Please contact us if you would like to do this.