
The service platform for multimedia SOPs

A Standard Operating Procedure (SOP for short) is a documented work instruction that describes standardized procedures for the manufacture of products relevant for approval. It also includes the testing of results and their documentation, especially in areas of critical operations with potential effects on the environment, health and safety. Often these documents are very boring and not very appealingly prepared.

The aim of the project “SOPassist – Assistance systems for digital SOP and compliance management in GMP-regulated production” was to develop a “new generation” of digital, multimedia-prepared SOPs that not only describe production processes in text form, but visualize them via multimedia assets, virtualize them using modern VR/AR and 3D technologies, and integrate them into GMP-regulated production processes. This should improve the organization of knowledge in GMP-regulated production processes and promote GMP-relevant employee qualifications in a production-integrated manner. The result was SOPassist, a web-based service platform based on PIIPE for the creation of multimedia SOPs and an assistance system for the process-integrated, GMP-compliant use of such SOPs in manufacturing companies. SOPassist was a cooperation project with DHC Business Solutions and was funded within the framework of the Central Technology Program Saar (ZTS) by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).